Anyone who doesn't like snowball fights, please raise your hand. Right, it's just as I thought. You , much like I loved a good snowball fight as a child and secretly or maybe not so secretly get your throwing arm in shape whenever snowfall is predicted to this day.
I get it.
And so does the International Federation of Snowball Throwing (IFST). Which is why they've launched a full on campaign to have snowball throwing added to the Olympics and I quote "IFST’s official mission is to have snowball throwing recognized as a legitimate sport and the superpowers of snow honored on a global stage". Please go and check them out here.
If the official uniform doesn't get you, I don't know what will. Oh and while you're at the site checking out all the um official videos please oh please consider signing the petition to bring this super rad "sport" to the Olympics.
And to entice you to support the Olympics and get you jazzed about snowball throwing and playing in the snow , I offer two of you IFST t-shirts and collector sets of Coke bottles from the 2008 Bejing Olympics.
Simply leave a comment telling me your favorite video on the IFST site or why you think Snowball throwing should be added to the Olympics and you'll be entered to win.
Two winners will be selected at random from all comments received by Thursday, February 11.
*Disclosure- I'm receiving an IFST t-shirt and collector Coke set courtesy of Coca Cola. No other compensation was received for this post